Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Thug

Hello! I’m sick so I didn’t go to school today so I thought I would update!!! Y’all remember what happened last time? Yeah, okay so let’s go!

    Shawn had continued to ramble on and eventually he fell asleep as Bey ran her fingers through his hair. She tried to pick him up, but the dead weight was too much. Jay came up out of nowhere and removed Shawn from her lap.
"Thanks, babe." Bey stood up and headed for the steps.
"What you wanna nap, too?"
"Yeah, I kinda do. Even though, I just woke up, the sand man hit mee in the face. You with me?"
"I guess, nothing like cuddling with my glowing wife." Bey smirked and entered their bedroom.
In bed, they spooned and fell asleep. They woke up and hour later to Shawn jumping up on their bed. They decided to go out to lunch.

*outside the restaurant*
          “Would you guys like to sit outside or inside?”
“Outside please.” They followed the waitress and sat outside. They had the perfect view of the East River. They could see right into Brooklyn.
          “That’s where Daddy grew up, baby.”
“Over there?”
          “Yep. BK all day.” Jay said as he helped Shawn into his booster seat.
          “Naw, it’s all about Houston.”
“Watch it Bey. Yo country self, don’t know nothing about Brooklyn.”
          “Oh yes I do!”
“And who taught you?” Bey had a blank face, Jay started to laugh. “I told you.”
          “Where’s Houston?”
“In the south, in the country. It’s under us Lil Man.” Bey gave Jay the death stare.
          “I don’t care how you corrupt our son’s mind, but Houston will always be better.”
          “Bey, listen to yourself. You know for a fact that Brooklyn, well New York is better than Texas! You just won’t admit it!”
          “I refuse to say anything else! What do you want for lunch Shawn?” Bey looked at her son who was bored with their conversation and started to doodle on the table. He was drawing a picture of Bey, Jay, himself. Bey would show him how to draw when Jay would be in the studio or out. 
          “Awwww, Shawn. Tell Mommy who those people are! This is such a good picture! Daddy look!” Jay looked up from his menu.
          “Wow! Great job Lil Man!”
“Do you guys want to know what I drawed?”
          “Yes please tell us. I’m so proud of you.” Bey rubbed his back.
          “Okay, well.” He pointed to the sun. “This is the sun. Obviouswy, remember on tv. You said that was Ms. Jennifer who sang sun in the skyyyy! And then you changed the channel, but I still got it.” Bey and Jay couldn’t help but laugh. Then Shawn pointed to the first blue figure. “Now, this is Daddy. I made him blue because he’s a boy. Then there’s Mommy…”
          “Wait, what’s that red thing on me?”
“Oh, Daddy. That’s your cape. You’re a superman. I’ve heard Mommy call you her hero before and I’m pretty sure heros have capes.”
          “Aww that means a lot Lil Man and yeah, they do.”
“Well, back to Mommy. This is Mommy and I made her orange because I didn’t have pink. There is her fat belly and this is a crown. Daddy called you Queen B this morning so I made you a crown like the queen’s in the movies. Well, Pwincess Tiana was a princess, but that’s like a queen. Right?”
          “Yup! You hear that, Jay? I’m a queen.”
“I know this. You’re my queen. Then again you’re still my baby thug.”
          “Mommy’s a thug! Oh my gwosh! I gotta draw her a shooter!” Bey grabbed the crayon out of his hand.
          “Mommy is NOT a thug. There is no reason to give me a shooter.” Jay mouthed sorry to Bey.
          “What do you know about thugs anyway Lil Man?”
“Julez was telling me about how bad people have guns and that Auntie Solo calls them thugs. So does grandma.”
          “Well, I don’t want you talking about thugs or shooter okay. Julez was right they are bad people.”
          “But you just called Mommy a thug that makes her bad!”
“I was joking! Mommy is not really a thug.”
          “So, you lied, Daddy.”
“No!  Well…” The waiter walked up and asked if they were ready to order.
          “Um, yes thank you.”
“Okay, what can I get you?”
          “She’s a thug.” Shawn pointed to Bey. Jay told Shawn to hush. They finished lunch and decided to take Shawn to the park and get  his mind off of his mother being a thug……To Be Continued…..I’ll post again later! Enjoy! <333


  1. Lmaooo at Shawn jr ctfuuu bey a thug I'm dead at Shawn saying I gotta draw a shooter Lls great post

  2. Lmao at Shawn tellin the waiter Bey's a thug. Lol Shawn is too cute and too much!!!!
    Great Post!!! @ZelLovesBeyK

  3. lmfaooo. The J.Hud shade!!!!!>>>> Shawn is just to damn cute!!

  4. LMAOOO at him drawin her with a gun! That drawing is too priceless. And that J. Hud shade!!!!! >>>>>
