Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Thug

Hello! I’m sick so I didn’t go to school today so I thought I would update!!! Y’all remember what happened last time? Yeah, okay so let’s go!

    Shawn had continued to ramble on and eventually he fell asleep as Bey ran her fingers through his hair. She tried to pick him up, but the dead weight was too much. Jay came up out of nowhere and removed Shawn from her lap.
"Thanks, babe." Bey stood up and headed for the steps.
"What you wanna nap, too?"
"Yeah, I kinda do. Even though, I just woke up, the sand man hit mee in the face. You with me?"
"I guess, nothing like cuddling with my glowing wife." Bey smirked and entered their bedroom.
In bed, they spooned and fell asleep. They woke up and hour later to Shawn jumping up on their bed. They decided to go out to lunch.

*outside the restaurant*
          “Would you guys like to sit outside or inside?”
“Outside please.” They followed the waitress and sat outside. They had the perfect view of the East River. They could see right into Brooklyn.
          “That’s where Daddy grew up, baby.”
“Over there?”
          “Yep. BK all day.” Jay said as he helped Shawn into his booster seat.
          “Naw, it’s all about Houston.”
“Watch it Bey. Yo country self, don’t know nothing about Brooklyn.”
          “Oh yes I do!”
“And who taught you?” Bey had a blank face, Jay started to laugh. “I told you.”
          “Where’s Houston?”
“In the south, in the country. It’s under us Lil Man.” Bey gave Jay the death stare.
          “I don’t care how you corrupt our son’s mind, but Houston will always be better.”
          “Bey, listen to yourself. You know for a fact that Brooklyn, well New York is better than Texas! You just won’t admit it!”
          “I refuse to say anything else! What do you want for lunch Shawn?” Bey looked at her son who was bored with their conversation and started to doodle on the table. He was drawing a picture of Bey, Jay, himself. Bey would show him how to draw when Jay would be in the studio or out. 
          “Awwww, Shawn. Tell Mommy who those people are! This is such a good picture! Daddy look!” Jay looked up from his menu.
          “Wow! Great job Lil Man!”
“Do you guys want to know what I drawed?”
          “Yes please tell us. I’m so proud of you.” Bey rubbed his back.
          “Okay, well.” He pointed to the sun. “This is the sun. Obviouswy, remember on tv. You said that was Ms. Jennifer who sang sun in the skyyyy! And then you changed the channel, but I still got it.” Bey and Jay couldn’t help but laugh. Then Shawn pointed to the first blue figure. “Now, this is Daddy. I made him blue because he’s a boy. Then there’s Mommy…”
          “Wait, what’s that red thing on me?”
“Oh, Daddy. That’s your cape. You’re a superman. I’ve heard Mommy call you her hero before and I’m pretty sure heros have capes.”
          “Aww that means a lot Lil Man and yeah, they do.”
“Well, back to Mommy. This is Mommy and I made her orange because I didn’t have pink. There is her fat belly and this is a crown. Daddy called you Queen B this morning so I made you a crown like the queen’s in the movies. Well, Pwincess Tiana was a princess, but that’s like a queen. Right?”
          “Yup! You hear that, Jay? I’m a queen.”
“I know this. You’re my queen. Then again you’re still my baby thug.”
          “Mommy’s a thug! Oh my gwosh! I gotta draw her a shooter!” Bey grabbed the crayon out of his hand.
          “Mommy is NOT a thug. There is no reason to give me a shooter.” Jay mouthed sorry to Bey.
          “What do you know about thugs anyway Lil Man?”
“Julez was telling me about how bad people have guns and that Auntie Solo calls them thugs. So does grandma.”
          “Well, I don’t want you talking about thugs or shooter okay. Julez was right they are bad people.”
          “But you just called Mommy a thug that makes her bad!”
“I was joking! Mommy is not really a thug.”
          “So, you lied, Daddy.”
“No!  Well…” The waiter walked up and asked if they were ready to order.
          “Um, yes thank you.”
“Okay, what can I get you?”
          “She’s a thug.” Shawn pointed to Bey. Jay told Shawn to hush. They finished lunch and decided to take Shawn to the park and get  his mind off of his mother being a thug……To Be Continued…..I’ll post again later! Enjoy! <333

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Want a Lil' Sister

Hey guys! Sorry, it took me forever to update! It’s been three weeks.  Since it takes me so long to update imma start doing short daily posts instead of super long weekly posts LOL if that makes any sense! Aw man, this is so short. I feel bad…..Please forgive me!

So it's Valentine's Day and Jay has planned a really nice day & night for Bey. She's almost 4 months pregnant. Shawn is 3 1/2 (I made him older lol) and Jay is the same LOL. Here We Go!

Shawn was helping Jay make Bey breakfast in bed. They fixed her up a belgain waffle with whipped cream and strawberries. Along with some bacon and scrambled eggs.
"Daddy, why are we doing dis? Is today special??"
"Yup. It's Valentine's Day! Remember when I told you about your lil brother or sister?"
"Yeah? You said I'd be able to see her today."
"Yup I sure did."
"But daddy, to me it just looks like Mommy is fat in her tummy." Jay couldn't help but to laugh.
"She is Lil Man. That's what she's supposed to look like."
"Oh. Why?"
"Because you're baby brother or sister is growing inside of her."
"I still don't get it daddy."
"It's okay. You will when you're older."
"You sure?"
"I'm positive. Why would I lie to you?"
"I don't know, just because."
“Oh really. Just because?"
"Yes, Daddy." Shawn laughed and Jay started to tickle him.
"Oh really? Huh? Huh?" Shawn was laughing uncontrollably.
"Stopppp! Daddy!"
"Hey!" Jay stopped and turned around.
"Aww, Bey. Hey, babe. You weren't supposed to be up."
"Well, with all that laughing, how could I sleep? You guys are down here having all the fun without me." Jay grabbed her around the waist while she held Shawn and gave him kisses.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby." He kissed her on the lips.
"Happy V-Day sweets!"
"Now, if you had stayed asleep like a good lil girl, you could of had breakfast in bed!"
"Well, I can get back in the bed, if you want?"
"No, mommy. You can't do that. It's not the same and it doesn't count. You already broke the rules."
"Oh really?"
"Please don't tickle me!"
"Baby, I'm not gonna tickle you!"
"Daddy did!"
"Aww, Daddy, why you always tickling my baby?"
"Because it's funny."
"I can never leave y'all alone, can I?"
"Nope, and we don't want you to." He kissed her on the cheek.
"Well can I eat down here, then?"
"I guess that works." Bey sat at the counter and waited for her food.
"Mommy, today for bweakfast, Chef Shawn and Daddy hab made you the most delicious and nutritious bweakfast! Enjoy and it was filled with lots of love on this special day just for you!!!"
"Thanks for the introduction baby."
"You're welcome!"
"Alright, now. Breakfast for the queen. Queen B that is." Bey stared at it and immediately dug in. She saw how good it looked and knew it tasted good so she went ahead. When she was done she put her dish in the sink, sat back down and rubbed her belly.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Can I ask you a question?" he climbed up into her lap.
"Of course. What is it?"
"Can I see my lil sister? Can I touch her?"
"She could be a boy, ya know? And of course let's go to the couch." Jay was upstairs taking a shower while Bey told Shawn about his lil brother or sister. Jay came down about 10 minutes later and watched Shawn rest his head on his mother's stomach.  Shawn kissed Bey's belly and Jay couldn't help, but to think about how happy he was to have gotten married and started a family with his best friend. He can't believe he has a son! That's growing so fast and learning so much! Even though he has a smart ass mouth. LOL. Jay decided to leave them alone; he went back upstairs and made up their bed. Later that night he would put romantic items around their bedroom, but for now, he let it be because it was still morning.

*back downstairs*

"I hope I get a baby sister, Mommy."
"Why sweets?"
"I don't know. I just wanna be a big boy and protect her from monsters."
"Aww that's so nice of you, but what if you get a baby brother?"
"I guess we could just play together, but I have Julez to play with and Julez is a big boy so I could just play with him. Girls like dolls so I wouldn't have to play with her. Get it?"
"Sure, baby."..........To Be Continued....... Enjoy! Follow me on twitter @mixedchick_xoxo

Monday, January 9, 2012

Maybach's, on Bachs on Bachssss!

Baby Blue, I love you. Okay, I’m you all already know about the arrival of my little sister Blue Ivy Carter. I tried to cry like her and she did it better of course. I hope there is no sibling rivalry in the future! AnTways, back to the blog. We left off with Bey and Jay having sex and then wrapped presents. When they were done they showered and went to bed. HERE WE GO……

          Christmas morning, Jay got up at four to put Bey’s present on the tree. He was staring at the tree when Bey called him from the top of the steps.
          “Jay, baby. Why are you up so early?”
“Oh, I was just putting a few more things on the tree.”
          “Okay, well hurry up and come back to bed.”
“Alright, I’m coming.” Jay glanced at it once more and went back upstairs. He got in bed next to Bey and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Merry Christmas, love.”
          “Merry Christmas, baby. Look, when Lil Man wakes up you wanna make breakfast? We’ll eat then we can open presents.”
          “Sounds like a plan.”
“Now, go back to sleep.”
          “We did have a long night, huh?......Bey?” She was sound asleep.

“Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up! It’s Twismas!!” It was eight o’clock and Shawn was jumping up and down on his parent’s bed. Jay rolled over and Bey stretched and yawned. A few minutes later, their alarm went off. “You ready, Bey? Let’s go get ‘em.” Jay hit the OFF button and sat up and grabbed Shawn.
          “Put me down! Daddy, stwop!” Jay put him down on the bed and started to tickle him.
          “Jay, stop it before he starts crying.”
“He’s a big boy he should be fine.”
          “I am a big boy, Mommy! I’m not gonna cry, but Daddy needs to stowp tickawing me!” Jay laughed and tickled him once more.”      
          “Okay, Lil Man, I’m done.”
“Finawy.” Shawn crawled over to Bey and sat in her lap. She kissed him on the forehead.
          “We’re going to eat breakfast before we open presents, baby.”
“But I’m not hungry.”
          “Yeah, well Daddy is.” Jay got out of bed, brushed his teeth and headed to the kitchen. Shawn was rambling on about nonsense and wouldn’t let Bey out of the bed. Jay finished breakfast fifteen minutes later. “YO, WHERE MY WIFE AND KID AT?!” Jay yelled as Bey was coming down the steps with Shawn in her arms.
          “Boy, you’re getting heavy.” She put him down.
“I told you I was a big boy!”
          “Yes, you did.”
“Mommy! Look at all my presents!” He ran over to the Christmas tree.
          “They’re not all yours, baby. Sorry, now come eat.”
“C’mon, Lil Man. If you don’t listen to Mommy, none of them will be yours.”
          “Santa gave them to me! They will always be mine!” He stuck his tongue out at Jay.
          “I don’t care what Santa did. You gone sit here and eat your damn breakfast!”
“Make me.”  Shawn turned back to his toys. Jay stood up cause he was about to beat that child’s asssssss, but Bey stood up and stopped him.
          “Jay, let it go.” She put her hand on his chest.
“Baby, move. I ain’t gone kill him. He just needs to have some respect. This is ridiculous.” Jay moved Bey’s hand and snatched up Shawn. He screamed. “I didn’t even do anything to you.”
          “But you’re going to!”
“Boy, I will if you don’t be quiet. You need to have some respect. Don’t talk back. Saying “make me” is gonna get your butt whooped and you won’t get any presents. Listening to what I said and eating you’re breakfast will get you presents. I shouldn’t have to reward, but it is Christmas.”
“Can you apologize?”
          “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“Will it happy again?”
“Good boy. Now go eat.” Jay out him down.
          “C’mon, baby.” Bey opened her arms. Shawn sat on her lap and they finished eating.
          “Bey?” Jay looked up at Bey.
“Mhmm?” She took a bite of her pancakes.
          “Did you really not get me anything?”
“I thought we talked about this? You got your present last night, didn’t you?” Bey smirked. Jay laughed a little.
          “Yeah, but I wanted something that I don’t always get. Something new. Something I can really appreciate! Ya know?” Jay cheesed until Bey’s face dropped. “Shit, wait. That came out wrong.”
          “Really? Wow.” Bey dropped her fork, put Shawn down, and ran upstairs.
“Aye, Lil Man. If I put you in your room real quick, will you be okay?”
          “Yesh.” Jay grabbed him, put him in his room, and threw out some toy cars for him to play with.  Jay went into his and Bey’s room.
“Ma, I gotta go. Merry Christmas. I love you.” Bey put her phone down.
          “You called your mom? Bey?! I didn’t mean it that way!”
“Yeah, but it came out that way! That really hurts me! Got me sounding like I don’t make you happy anymore! Want me to call up a hoe? She can be something new for you!”
          “Bey, you don’t make me happy. You make me euphoric! You put me on a high that no one else could! I love you so much. That lil statement came out wrong and I should’ve thought about it before I actually said it. I’m sorry. C’mon, it’s Christmas! I wanted a material thing! Some shiny and brand new that I usually wouldn’t have! You’re my wife I will always have you right by my side!”
          “I’m a privilege, Jay. You can’t always have me.”
“But, I will, because you love me and I love you. We’re happy. I don’t know why all of a sudden you think I don’t want you. It was misunderstood. I’m sorry. You know I love you, baby.” Jay remembered that she was pregnant and of course she would be somewhat irrational because of her hormones. He sat down next to her and hugged her. “Stop stressing. It ain’t good for you and my baby. I’m so grateful for you, babe.”
“I’m so serious.” He started kissing her on the neck and cheek.
“Stop what? Hm? You know you like it.”
          “Jay, I’m serious. C’mon. Let’s go open presents.”
“But I got my present. I’m about to open it again.” Jay nibbled on her ear. Bey giggled and pushed him away.
          “Later. You can unwrap this gift again, later.” Jay took his hands off of Bey.
“Ugh, alright.” Bey kissed him on the lips and grabbed his hands. Jay wrapped his hands around her protruding waist. They walked down the hall and got Shawn.
          “C’mon, Lil Man. Time to open your presents.”
“Really?!” Jay laughed at him.
          “Really! Now, come on!” Shawn ran up to Jay and held onto his leg.  Shawn ran straight for the presents under the tree.
          “Wait! We gotta see which ones are yours!” Bey sorted through em. There were two for Jay, three for herself, and seven for Shawn. All the others were for Solo, Angie, Julez, Mama Tina, Ty, etc. Shawn got a bunch of new toys that he had already started playing with. Bey sat inside Jay’s legs and held her three presents.
          “Jay, it says that one is from you. You got me something, baby?” She kissed him on them big lips.
          “Yes, of course I did. One of my two say you’re name on it.”
“No, that says Santa.” Bey winked cause she knew Shawn was listening in.
          “Ohhhh, I get it. Okay. You open your’s first, baby thug”
“Okay.” Bey’s mouth dropped when she opened it. “Oh emm geeee! Baby, *gasp* It’s beautiful! I love it! Aaaah! Put it on me!” Jay took the necklace and put it around her neck. She touched and turned around to kiss Jay. “I love it!” She kissed him the lips repeatedly.
          “Okay, baby! I get it! You love it. Lil Man helped me pick it out.” Shawn turned around. Bey kissed him on the forehead.
          “I love you, baby!” He gave her a tight hug.
“I love you, too, Mommy!”
          “Okay, now Jay you have to open your present!”
“Okay, okay!” Bey handed Jay the small box and she basically opened it for him. “It’s a key, baby.”
          “I know!!!”
“Awwwwww sniiizzzaaappp! Did you do what I think you did?!?! Baby, stop playing!” Jay hopped up and ran down the hallway and stopped in the garage and dropped to his knees. “Awwww man!! Say it ain’t so! Say it ain’t so!” Bey came after him with Shawn. He had a sexy brand new jet black Maybach. He had been waiting to replace his old one that was used over two years ago in the “Otis” video.  
          “Jay, baby! You are a clown! Get off the floor!” Jay got up and grabbed Bey’s waist and kissed her on the lips and Shawn on the forehead.
“I love y’all! Bey, how did you know I wanted one!?”
“Hello??? I’m your wife and I know everything about you! Plus, you started talking about it in your sleep.”
“I’m so serious, babe. Now, can we go back upstairs? It’s cold in here.”
          “Can I take it for a spin, first?”
“Of course, go head, just don’t be too long, please! It is still Christmas!” Jay was already in the car, he right after the garage door opened, Jay zoomed out. Bey was about to walk back into the house, until she heard a crash. “God, please, no. Not today!” Bey got a better grip on Shawn and ran outside. Jay had hit someone when “pulling” out. The man he hit was out of his car, but Jay was still in his. Bey started to panic and ran over to the car.
          “What’s happening, Mommy??” Shawn was on the brink of tears.
          “Baby, everything is okay. Please don’t cry.” He could tell that Bey was lying, he tried not to cry, but it came out anyways, which made Bey start to cry. Bey was about to start screaming until the man yelled.
          “He’s okay!” Jay slowly stepped out of the car. He was limping a little bit, but seemed fine.
          “Oh, thank you Jesus! Jay! Baby! Take it easy! Come here!” Jay inched towards Bey and she grabbed his face and kissed him. He winced because of a cut on his eyebrow. “Baby, I told you to be careful.”
          “I guess I got too excited. I didn’t even look to see where I was going.”
          “That’s exactly why. Now go in the house and lay down. Shawn, baby. Go with Daddy and come out here and get me if something happens.” Shawn sniffled.
          “Otay, Mommy. T’mon, Daddy.” He grabbed Jay’s hand. Bey stayed outside for a little while longer and got the guys information and also got the car back into the garage. Everything went back to normal minutes later. The rest of the day they didn’t do anything super fun because of Jay’s incident. The whole family came over and everyone cooked, except for Jay. They all opened presents and had a really nice time…To Be Continued…… In the next post I’m kind of skipping of the whole month of January, LOL :D enjoy! Hopefully with half days next week I can squeeze in a few! :p Follow me on twitter @mixedchick_xoxo <3 @ me if you want to be notified about my other blog!!